
  • Yu. O. Martyniuk



aggression, styles of art, types of perception, aggressiveness, art


The purpose of the article is the study of the peculiarities of interrelation of aggressive behavior and peculiarities of the perception of the artistic art style. Because our hypothesized people with a predominance of certain aggressive behaviors tune into the certain patterns of behavioral responses that are depicted in works of art. Were used the theoretical methods (induction, abstraction, generalization, systematization) and empirical methods were used, namely: method of psychological diagnostics and methods of mathematical data processing (descriptive statistics, correlation analysis). The method of psychological diagnostics contained: the author’s method “Art preferences”, the method of diagnosing forms of aggression A. Bass and D. Arka, method, test “Hands” of E. Wagner. As a result of the study it was revealed that there is a correlation between the Renaissance type of perception of artistic style and indirect aggression, as well as c dependence, which suppresses aggressive tendencies in behavior. It should be noted that the relationship of the baroque type of perception of artistic style with irritation and affectation was found. It was found that there is a relationship between the classical type of perception of artistic style and physical aggression, as well as directiveness. In turn, the impressionistic type of perception of artistic style correlates with verbal aggression and exhibitionism in showing aggression. Note that there is a direct correlation between the surrealistic type of perception of artistic style and suspiciousness and the inverse correlation with dependence. The data obtained indicate that there is a direct correlation between the abstract type of perception of artistic style and negativism, but on the other hand, an inverse correlation with the tendency to aggressive behavior in general is revealed.


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How to Cite

Martyniuk, Y. O. (2022). INTERRELATION OF TYPES OF PERCEPTION OF STYLES OF ART AND AGGRESSION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 15-19.