
  • O. Yu. Bohush
  • O. O. Korniichuk



military leadership, military personnel, personal readiness for change, readiness for activity, psychological stability


In the article the features of display of military leadership are considered in the conditions of military activity. The personality of a military leader is a main figure in the organization and management of all processes taking place in a team, as well as in relation to the influence on personnel in various difficult situations, we have carried out a theoretical analysis of the structure of leadership qualities of military personnel. The success of becoming of leader is determined by many factors, in particular, by ability to show necessary internals and abilities depending on the terms of implementation of tasks.. Variety of situations for that tasks are executed,, often their vagueness influences not only on behavior of leader but also on behavior of inferiors, that requires ability to adapt to the requirements of circumstances, there is a group in that, from a leader, since leadership is a group phenomenon, a leader cannot be without a team . Military service is a rather specific and extreme activity, we have analyzed the essence of psychological readiness for activity in conditions of uncertainty. The personal readiness for changes of the military leader was studied as a personality trait that determines attitudes to active actions and affects the success of professional activities, in particular in extreme situations. The study determined that indicators of personal readiness for change in servicemen are manifested at three levels: low, medium and high, in particular, such indicators as “courage”, “adaptability” and “tolerance to ambiguity” are not manifested at a high level of development. It has been investigated that significant indicators of personal readiness for change, which affect the manifestations of a tendency to leadership in military personnel, are “passion”, “ingenuity”, “confidence”. We have found that the manifestations of military leadership in conditions of frequent changes in the situation are influenced by his energy and tirelessness, faith in himself and his capabilities, and the ability to find new options for solving complex, atypical problems.


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How to Cite

Богуш, О. Ю., & Корнійчук, О. О. (2023). PERSONALITY READINESS FOR CHANGES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF A MILITARY LEADER. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 59-64.

