
  • V. M. Pedorenko



refugees, military aggression, Russian invasion, Ukraine, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental management, goals in life, self-acceptance


The article reveals the peculiarities of psychological well-being and life satisfaction of Ukrainian IDPs who have received protection in Germany. The study covered 105 respondents aged 28 to 63 years. These are mainly women and children, young people, mothers with children, people of retirement age, and military personnel who receive specialized treatment in Germany after being wounded in combat. Our attention was drawn to the problem of the psychological well-being of internally displaced Ukrainians who fled the war and found refuge in Germany. At first glance, it seems that the level of psychological well-being of these Ukrainians should be much higher than that of Ukrainians living in Ukraine. However, our previous empirical research has shown that IDPs are characterized by such negative emotional states as high anxiety, rigidity, frustration, irritability, high emotional tension, intemperance, low self-esteem, inflexibility in behavior, views, beliefs, fear of failure, etc. We have found that IDPs are characterized by feelings of guilt, shame, and fear, which can have negative consequences in the future, as this emotional state can turn into a “refugee” syndrome. The theoretical analysis of the problem of psychological well-being of IDPs allowed us to assume that they have some problems in the psycho-emotional sphere due to the Russian invasion, as well as stress factors of forced migration, uncertainty of the future, difficulties in adapting to the conditions of another country, etc. Summarizing our empirical data, we can state that a significant number of internally displaced Ukrainians are characterized by low levels of life satisfaction and psychological well-being, which is manifested by an unwillingness to establish open and trusting relationships with others, they demonstrate restraint, some frustration, isolation from others, it is difficult for them to compromise in order to maintain important relationships with others, they demonstrate dependence on the opinions and assessments of others; rely on the opinions of others in making important decisions, have some difficulties in organizing their daily activities, feel unable to change or improve their circumstances, and demonstrate a low ability to control what is happening around them. In our opinion, these respondents need systematic psychological support.


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How to Cite

Педоренко, В. М. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED UKRAINIANS IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF GERMANY). Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 80-83.

