
  • A. A. Khodotaiev
  • A. O. Kononenko



social environment, age periodisation, socialisation, stability and instability of society, social requirements, social adaptation


This article provides a theoretical analysis of the issues within the phenomenon of socialisation and the phenomenon of deviant behaviour of the spectrum of influence and representation of the structural relationship between society as such and the individual and the allocation of his/her age periods (categories). The problems of interaction with the phenomenon of stability of the social spectrum, as one of the general conjunctures of influence on an individual through the social environment, are also outlined. The emphasis is placed on highlighting the different definition of mutual influence in the periodicity of age categories. Attention is paid to the consideration of the factors of the phenomenon of influence of the age category as a phenomenon of formation of evolution and development of the individual as a process that occurs in parallel with the evolution of society as such. The author also emphasises the phenomenon of taking into account the crisis elements in society as a spectrum of influence on the formation and consideration of changes in the construction of structural elements of the phenomenon of an established social norm and its representation within a person, and the allocation of the influence of the crisis element on an individual, taking into account different periods of a particular individual and his or her variable representation of the assimilation of the structure of the social norm. The article outlines the differences in the structures of influence on an individual in different age categories through the definition and consideration of the differences between a stable and a crisis society as a key mechanism of influence on an individual, within the framework of his or her assimilation of the mechanism of the established version of the social norm as such. It is emphasized that the allocation of the deviation spectrum and the study of deviant behaviour is a complex issue where it is necessary to take into account the phenomenon of influence of age categories and one of the prevailing mechanisms of influence in society as such, namely, the allocation of the influence of the economic factor which is one of the controlling and most fundamental in the creation of a stable society where it is generally possible to create the phenomenon of building an established social normative behaviour with its subsequent representation on a particular individual as a power.


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How to Cite

Ходотаєв, А. А., & Кононенко, А. О. (2023). THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF AGE CATEGORIES WITHIN THE SOCIAL SPACE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CRISIS PHENOMENA OF SOCIETY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 90-94.

