psychological portrait, public servant, professional development, ethics, management psychologyAbstract
The article examines and highlights the issue of the practical application of psychological portraiture for public servants during entry and service. Emphasis is placed on the foreign experience of implementing psychological knowledge and experience in the field of official activity. It is noted that in the modern world, as many decades ago, we are faced with the problem of dissonance between what the ideal personality of a public servant should be. It refers to a set of professionalism, necessary knowledge, abilities and skills, moral and ethical indicators and even appearance. The role of a public servant is particularly important for the development of Ukrainian statehood, the maintenance and development of European values in Ukraine, especially in the modern period of military aggression. In such conditions, studying the issues of the psychological component as a characteristic of a public servant is an important and relevant issue. It is emphasized that the psychological portrait of a person is understood and studied quite differently in the scientific field. In the framework of this study, a psychological portrait is understood as a complex characteristic of a person's personality, which includes a set of his personal qualities and behavior. In the course of the study, it is noted that the importance of studying the issue of clarifying the psychological portrait and the need for its practical implementation in the field of public service is also confirmed by social studies. In particular, one of the priority needs for employees in the group of interviewed respondents was the need for consulting a psychologist, whose position should be in any public body. It should be noted that as part of the survey, a study was conducted, the purpose of which was to find out the personal and professional characteristics of public servants. It was found that when conducting research in the field of the personality of a civil servant, scientists identify the psychological component exclusively with ethical principles, however, it is worth noting that the psychological portrait is much broader and includes not only ethical criteria. Psychological components represent a whole series of characteristics that are extremely important and must be taken into account when entering and completing public service. In particular, we are talking about: external signs of the employee's psychological properties (peculiarities of wearing clothes, shoes, manner of speaking, gesticulation, facial expressions); psychological features of an employeeʼs lifestyle (characteristics of occupations, attitudes towards them, methods of meeting oneʼs own needs); peculiarities of leisure activities; status in the role behavior of a person in the communication system; the nature of the decisions made. It is important to realize that the specified features should be realistically evaluated and taken into account when applying for a position, or when upgrading qualifications. However, this is a rather specific field, accordingly, such research should be systematic and conducted exclusively by psychologists. And in general, psychological support is needed by public servants not only for the purpose of inspection or evaluation, given the conditions in which the public servants have to work. The study also provides the experience of the United States regarding the normative consolidation of 14 principles of psychological characteristics of federal employees, accompanied by examples, comments and references to relevant legislative acts. It was established that several issues need to be resolved: first, the need for a normative solution to the issue of the psychological component for the person of a public servant; secondly, there is an urgent need to introduce the position of a psychologist as a mandatory staff unit in public administration bodies, for practical assistance to employees and persons applying to institutions.
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