mental trauma, bereavement, chronic stress disorder, “War Recovery” program, psychological interventions,Abstract
Psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to servicemen and their families is in great demand in Ukraine today. It is worth noting the effectiveness of creating rehabilitation centers for the treatment of the consequences of psychological trauma. And a scientific approach to the rehabilitation process is extremely important. The article presents some results of the implementation of the “Recovery during the war” program. The participants of the program were the families of military personnel. Research methods. The dynamics of growth from the existing symptoms of distress to the state of stability of the participants in the rehabilitation process was measured thanks to test sections. The presence of a depressive disorder was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). The level of anxiety was determined by the scale of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7). Sleep disturbances were monitored using the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS). Conversations, psychodiagnostic examination (screening procedures aimed at establishing a diagnosis, assessing symptoms, carrying out differential psychodiagnostics) were conducted with the families of the soldiers. To clarify the diagnosis, the unified Ukrainian clinical protocol of primary, secondary and tertiary medical care according to IKX-10, diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders of the 5th edition of DSM-5 was applied. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the implementation of the rehabilitation program for families of servicemen “Recovery during the war”. “Korpan's mask” was used to restore sleep and improve the work of the autonomic nervous system. The results of the study: indicators of anxiety, sleep disorder, depression were reduced by half. The participants of the rehabilitation process noted the importance and effectiveness of the implementation of the “Recovery during the war” program.
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