stress, combat stress, combat actions, psychological training, psychological symptomAbstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of combat stress manifestations in military personnel during combat operations, investigates biological changes in the body during stressful situations, and identifies stressors that can lead to combat stress reactions and post-traumatic stress disorder. The approaches to psychological training of military personnel in the leading countries of the world are analysed. It has been found that combat stress reactions are physical, emotional, cognitive or behavioural reactions, adverse effects or psychological trauma that occur in military personnel exposed to stressful or traumatic events during combat or military operations. The manifestations of stress can be quite diverse. They typically include: irritability and outbursts of anger, excessive fear and anxiety, headaches and fatigue, depression and apathy, loss of appetite, sleep problems, changes in behaviour or personality. The degree of their severity may vary depending on a number of operational conditions, including the intensity, duration, frequency of combat, and morale of the command and unit. The study describes the psychological and physiological symptoms of combat stress among military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of approaches to psychological training of the military in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Israel. Taking into account the experience of psychological training of military personnel of the above-mentioned countries, the author identifies common features that ensure psychological stability and reduce the manifestations of combat stress reactions among the personnel of the units. The approaches are compared and the key aspects that can be applied in the training of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are highlighted.
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