
  • O. M. Sknar




cultural identification, youth, empirical research model, parameters, psychological indicators.


The concept of culture is proposed to be considered as a context within which human identities are formed, and culture fills them with content. The author identifies two main functions of culture: heredity and normativity. We rely on the definition of cultural identification as a process of self-identification of an individual with a particular culture, which involves a rational awareness of one's involvement in an ethno-cultural group and an emotional and value experience of belonging to it. It is noted that the unleashing of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has led to active processes of population migration, both internal (between regions of Ukraine) and external (abroad, to other countries). This has exacerbated a number of issues related to the regional peculiarities of youth cultural identification. The article presents a model of an empirical study of regional peculiarities of pupils' and students' cultural identification as a factor of state educational policy, which presents psychological indicators, scales, methods and psychological tools of the study. The main parameters of the study of regional peculiarities of cultural identification of young people as a factor of state educational policy are highlighted: traditionality and normativity. The psychological indicators of cultural identification of students and pupils are determined. Namely: 1) attitude to cultural values (cultural heritage, language, national symbols, shrines, territory); 2) subjective relevance of national identity (involvement and support of national customs and traditions), 3) experience of belonging to the community (pride or shame, respect or contempt) and to the territory of the nation); 3) attitude to the rules of interaction and the limits of acceptable interaction (locus of responsibility, norms of cohabitation, ways of interaction, norms of emotionality, moral norms).


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How to Cite

Скнар, О. М. (2023). A MODEL OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH OF REGIONAL PECULIARITIES OF STUDENTS᾽ YOUTH CULTURAL IDENTIFICATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 40-44. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.4.8

