crisis situations, professional competences, educational discipline “Crisis Psychology”, art practices, specialist in crisis psychology.Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching the educational discipline «Crisis Psychology». The role of the academic discipline in the system of professional training of students who obtain a bachelor’s degree in the specialty 053 Psychology is determined. The necessity of possessing professional competences by future experts in crisis psychology is substantiated. It was emphasized that the training of specialists in crisis psychology is extremely important, as they play a key role in providing psychological assistance and support to people experiencing crisis situations. The task of studying the discipline is highlighted: acquisition of methodological competence: assimilation of phenomenology, the course of crisis and extreme situations; development of psychological literacy: mastery of conceptual apparatus, ability to use psychological terms and concepts in professional activity; development of professional competence: mastering the forms and methods of psychological help and support of the individual in difficult life circumstances, understanding the laws and features of the psychologist’s activity in special (extreme and crisis) conditions, forming the ability to recognize and correctly assess the most characteristic psychological situations of professional activity. The important directions of training specialists in crisis psychology are described. A description of the topics of the content module “Theoretical and practical foundations of crisis psychology” is provided. The peculiarities of the use of art practices in the training of specialists in crisis psychology are characterized: emotional expression, development of empathy, creative approach to solving problems, relaxation and stress protection skills, teamwork and communication, development of self-awareness. It was noted that during practical classes, students solve typical tasks of a crisis psychologist, namely: master the forms and methods of psychological help and support of individuals in difficult life circumstances, which contributes to significant progress on the path of their professional improvement.
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