psychological well-being, sexuality, index of female sexual function, marital status, satisfaction with marriageAbstract
The article describes the relationship between the level of psychological well-being of women and their sexuality. The information presented in the article shows that the psychological well-being of women is connected with various psychological phenomena and social conditions of life. Psychological well-being is an integral mental phenomenon that characterizes successful functioning of a personality in social environment, accompanied by positive emotional tone, functional state of the body and satisfaction with life. It was determined that women’s experiences of psychological wellbeing are largely related to their marital and parental status: older women who have already raised their children and are in marriage/relationships have the highest level of psychological well-being. Single women without children have the least level of psychological well-being. Single mothers demonstrate a higher level of psychological well-being than single or “marriage” women without children. According to the results of the correlation analysis it was found that there is a weak direct connection between the level of psychological well-being and the index of female sexuality: the higher the index of female sexuality is, the higher the level of her psychological well-being is. The level of sexuality is mostly correlated with the following indicators of psychological well-being: positive relationships with other people, goals in life and self-perception (positive attitude toward themselves and to their past). There was also a direct connection between the indicators of women’s psychological well-being and the level of their satisfaction with the marriage: the higher the satisfaction of the marriage is, the higher the level of the women’s psychological well-being is. In general, the experience of the psychological well-being of women depends not only on the level of their sexuality, but also on the complex of social and socio-psychological factors.
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