
  • O. F. Khmiliar



small team, team interaction, ambition, small team virtues, efficiency, meaning, decision, success


Building an ideal small team capable of solving problems that are beyond the capacity of an ordinary group of specialists is a long and exhausting process. This article presents the ability to work in a small team as the most valuable personality trait. Describing the small team philosophy as highly effective, the author of the article presents it as a reference model of gifted and talented individuals, a well-coordinated combat unit, a special centre of leadership, flexibility and psychological compatibility. Revealing the effectiveness of a small team in the symbolic range of two images of “Simplicity”–“Complexity”, the author derives the symbolic rule of “Simplicity”: the effectiveness of success is rooted in the ability to work only with small teams of smart people. It is proved that as soon as the number of people in a team increases, “Complexity” is automatically introduced. The article also describes the philosophy of a two-person team. It is proved how much more effective, constructive and motivated it can be compared to a large team. It is highlighted that the key to the success of a two-person team is the holistic dominance of five components: 1) psychological safety; 2) reliability; 3) structure and clarity; 4) awareness; 5) influence. It is found out that a small team is a homogeneous combat unit, since it is designed to promote the origination of a new, emergent mind, the need for which increases significantly in the conditions of high danger, constant change and uncertainty. The author emphasises that the coordinated work of a small team in a dangerous environment requires rapid adaptability, constant reassessment of the situation, discussion and coordination. In such a team, its members, sending signals to each other every minute, decoding the responses, should understand every step and intention of their partner, as this is the key to life and victory.


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How to Cite

Хміляр, О. Ф. (2024). TEAM AMONG TEAMS. WHY IS A SMALL TEAM AN EFFECTIVE COMBAT UNIT?. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 53-59.

