
  • N. Ye. Shylina



conflict, coping strategies, adaptation, stress, gender differences, resource


The article delves into the exploration of coping strategies in workplace conflicts, with a focus on gender differences. The author meticulously examines both domestic and international research, substantiating its relevance in the contemporary corporate landscape, where competition and stress have become intrinsic elements of professional life. The study systematically reviews modern research on gender disparities, dissecting the variations in how men and women select adaptive mechanisms in conflict situations within the workplace. The practical significance of acquiring conflict management strategies is underscored, recognizing it as an essential competency for thriving in today's global context. Special attention is given to the analysis of the six primary coping channels according to the BASIC Ph model: beliefs, emotions, social connections, imagination, cognitive strategies, and physiological reactions. An empirical study was conducted based on the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication, utilizing employees as the study population. The research unfolded in two stages. The first involved administering the Basic PH test to identify the primary stress coping strategy. The second stage utilized metaphorical SORE maps to identify the predominant resource channel. Common workplace conflict scenarios were highlighted, prompting employees to elucidate their coping mechanisms. The article presents the average indicators for each channel among male and female employees, determines the correlation coefficient between the two measurement systems, and scrutinizes gender differences in the choice of coping strategies during work conflicts.


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How to Cite

Шиліна, Н. Є. (2024). COPING STRATEGIES IN WORK CONFLICTS: GENDER DIFFERENCES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 60-64.

