
  • S. V. Kononenko



personality of a legal specialist, consciousness, legal consciousness, activities of would-be lawyers, formation model of legal consciousness, professional legal consciousness


This paper examines particulars of the methodological approaches, elaboration of the models for the formation of the legal consciousness of would-be legal professionals. The approaches according to which the formation and development of the legal consciousness of would-be lawyers is carried out taking into account the general regularity of human functioning and development. The professional and personal development of a would-be lawyer in a higher educational institution is analyzed, which should not have a discrepancy in different courses, since the nature of interactions between the structural components of legal consciousness, a lawyer at different stages of training has its own specifics. The main attention in solving the problem of the development of legal consciousness is aimed at disclosing its essence, structure, internal organization, interrelation of components, its integration, system of factors; mechanisms that ensure the integrity of the system for detecting stages, trends and prospects of its development. The development of legal consciousness is determined by the typology and specifics of professionally determined tasks, the general level of development of legal consciousness of students, which essentially governs the effectiveness of learning and future professional activities. A lawyer’s consciousness gets distinct depending on the legal activity experience and personal characteristics (active involvement, emotional-volitional sphere, motivation for achieving success, internality, reflexivity, intellect). The peculiarities of the manifestation of subjectivity in the professional activity of a lawyer are determined by the content of the selfconcept. Thus, the formation of the personality of a lawyer is not only the goal, but also the most important condition for the development of legal consciousness of the would-be specialists. The development of legal consciousness is a natural process of changes expressed in quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations of the personality, and the psychological conditions for the development of legal consciousness of the would-be lawyers is a set of activities in the educational process that ensure the achievement of the required level of legal awareness by future specialists.


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How to Cite

Кононенко, С. В. (2024). FORMATION OF LEGAL AWARENESS AMONG STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 65-70.