
  • O. V. Dzhezhyk



psychology, communication, general and special competencies, professional training of applicants, international legal relations


The article defines that the introduction of European norms and standards of education, the transition to a dynamic degree system of training specialists is a necessary component of the reform of the higher education system of Ukraine. The process of becoming a specialist as a professional requires mastering new knowledge necessary for the formation of an active position of a person in society. In the modern conditions of the functioning of society, the skill of communication is an urgent need for establishing business contacts, establishing interpersonal relations and professional communication. It is emphasized that professional communication appears in terms of conditions and forms of effective communication of a specialist in any field in general, and legal specialties in particular. The main condition for the effectiveness of modern communication in the field of international law is the awareness of the possibility of realizing the goals of international interaction by properly organizing it and creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, trust and cooperation. It is substantiated that «Psychology of communication» is an educational discipline, which is aimed at deep and thorough assimilation by future specialists in international law of the philosophical, psychological and social foundations of public speaking as a high level of professional communication. The basis of communicative interaction is language proficiency. From these positions, professional communication is an effective form of language influence on the audience, taking into account its features in the complex of professional skills of a lawyer. The working curriculum is designed for applicants who are studying under the educational and professional training program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, specialty 293 «International Law». It is emphasized that the program is built according to the requirements of the credit-module system of the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions, recommended by the European credit-transfer system (EСTS). The program is focused on the personal and professional growth of future specialists.


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How to Cite

Джежик, О. В. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT “PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION”. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 76-79.