well-being, emotional intelligence, the essence of life, subjective psychological well-being.Abstract
The article examines the evolution of scientific views on the concept of “psychological well-being.” At the moment, such concepts as “psychological well-being”, “the joy of life”, “subjective psychological well-being” are little differentiated, and the specifics of achieving and saving these conditions are also insufficiently studied. The process of self-realization of individuality transmits its powerful activity, directly to the self-creation and self-assertion of balances and the harmonious development of various aspects of individuality through the reporting of adequate efforts, directly to the revelation of individual characteristics their potentials. The development of self-realization in psychological science is achieved through such concepts as the strategy of living in the ancient psychological theory, identity in the theory of E. Erikson, Selfactualization by A. Maslow. Coming from the more important, we must first reveal the phenomenon of psychological well-being, whose characteristic signs and criteria appear among scientific and pedagogical practitioners in the minds of the military camp. Based on a theoretical analysis of many scientists and our empirical research, the functional model of psychological well-being has been clarified. To achieve the assigned mark, it is necessary to follow the upcoming tasks: 1. take a look at foreign scientists at the nature of the phenomenon of psychological well-being; 2. description of the main criteria of psychological well-being; 3. creation of a functional model of psychological well-being; 4. analyze the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of the psychological well-being of scientific and pedagogical practitioners. Psychological well-being is an integral indicator, which includes: 1) directness of the specific implementation of the main components of positive functioning (especially growth, self-acceptance, management of the environment, autonomy, life goals, positive relationships with others); 2) the stage of realization of this directness, which is subjectively reflected in a sense of happiness, satisfaction with oneself and a healthy life.
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