emotional intelligence, learning activity, metacognitive monitoring accuracy, understanding emotion skills.Abstract
The study examines metacognitive monitoring accuracy of the learning activity of university students of the specialty 291 International relations, public communications and regional studies in terms of understanding emotions skills. The main instruments used in the study were the “MSCEIT V 2.0” test and the “EmIn” questionnaire aiming to find out the relationships between the levels of emotional intelligence such as understanding emotions skills and metacognitive monitoring accuracy rates. Metacognitive monitoring accuracy was defined as the difference coefficient between subjective assessment of the accuracy of performing (metacognitive judgements rates) and test results. We took into account such profiles of metacognitive activity as: profiles of “MMA+ +” and “MMA– –” rates that denote accurate metacognitive monitoring and profiles of “INK– +” and “IK+ –” rates that denote inaccurate metacognitive monitoring. The results indicate the significance of the empirically established correlations of the medium and high levels between the variables of understanding emotions skills according to the “MSCEIT V 2.0” test and metacognitive monitoring accuracy rates in JOLs and RCJs. At the trend level, higher rates of metacognitive monitoring accuracy are more relevant to students with medium levels of understanding emotions skills according to the “MSCEIT V 2.0” test. Moreover, the most accurate in their judgments are the students with very high and medium, as well as low (the lowest indicators of overconfidence) levels of understanding emotions skills according to the “EmIn” questionnaire. Thus, the results can play an important role in the process of understanding the relationship between metacognitive monitoring accuracy and the learning activities in university students in terms of understanding emotions skills. A promising direction of research of emotional intelligence of students is the study of the influence of managing emotions skills on metacognitive monitoring accuracy of the learning activities in students of higher education.
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