
  • V. V. Naichuk
  • N. P. Liesnichenko



stress resistance, difficult situations in life, art therapy, metaphorical association cards, mandala therapy, sandplay therapy, resilience, BASIC PH model, war.


The article presents an analysis of the problem of developing personality stress resistance through art therapy in martial law. Art therapy is a rapidly developing approach that is becoming increasingly popular both in the professional environment in our country and abroad. This approach is used for therapeutic influence, as well as for solving problems of diagnosis, correction and psychoprophylaxis. In Ukraine, the use of art therapy as a special therapeutic tool has become especially relevant since the beginning of Russian aggression against our country. The uniqueness of art therapy lies in the fact that it uses a wide range of special unique non-verbal creative elements along with the methods of assistance commonly used in therapy (relaxation, immersion, cognitive interventions, desensitization, distraction, etc.) In addition, art therapy as a tool is universal for use and combination with other approaches and therapeutic models. The authors write that the actualization of resources is an important part of trauma therapy. It is noted that, according to experts, the use of multimodal models, in particular the BASIC PH model, is effective. The multimodal approach includes the search for and reliance on leading (resource) modalities. This allows the individual to choose the best way to cope and expand their behavioral repertoire. M. Laad and O. Ayalon developed the BASIC PH model to develop stress resistance and overcome destructive emotional states of the individual caused by traumatic situations and events in life. The model consists of six stages: analysis of faith and beliefs, affects and feelings, communication skills and social support, power of imagination, cognition strategies, and physical abilities. Based on the fact that each of the model's components forms the basis of an individual's style of behavior when under stress, this study proposes art therapy strategies that use the six resources of the coping model. The model under consideration is suitable for the implementation of art therapy methods in psychological counseling and therapy, in particular, the implementation of mandala therapy, sandplay therapy and metaphorical association cards.


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How to Cite

Найчук, В. В., & Лєсніченко, Н. П. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY STRESS RESISTANCE BY MEANS OF ART THERAPY UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 133-136.

