
  • O. V. Dobrostan Ukrainian Medical Lyceum of O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University
  • R. V. Ivanenko Ukrainian Medical Lyceum of O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University
  • L. A. Kovalenko Specialized school of I-III degrees No. 307 with in-depth study of natural sciences, Desnyan district, Kyiv



motivation, educational motivation, external motives, internal motives, high school students, level of motivation, anxiety


Motivation to study is a system that prompts a person to cognitive activity. Psychological and pedagogical studies have confirmed that there is a direct connection between the success of educational activities and motivation. And in the realities of modern times, due to constant danger, the mental health of children is disturbed and neurotic states appear. And therefore the focus of attention has shifted from academic success to support and normalization of the mental state. All this affects the level of motivation to study. And motivation to study is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of the educational process. Therefore, the goal of our research was to study the motivation to study of high school students under martial law. The work presents the results of own experimental research. 70 students aged 15–16 were examined. It was established that 45% of the subjects had a high, 38% – an average level of motivation to study, and 17% – a low level of motivation. It was found out that people w ith a high level of motivation were dominated by internal motives. In high school students with an average level of motivation, 56% of people had internal motives, and 44% of people had internal and external motives equally expressed. As for the examinees with a low level of motivation, they were dominated by external motives. It was found that high school students with a high level of motivation have the lowest level of anxiety, and those with a low level have the highest level of anxiety. Thus, the influence of the level of anxiety on the formation of educational motivation was confirmed. The study of motives makes it possible to understand which factors encourage schoolchildren to study hard, and which, on the contrary, can be the cause of a decrease in motivation. Therefore, in the future, we plan to investigate in detail the structure of motives of high school students. Such knowledge will help to successfully build the educational process and thus increase the level of motivation to study, and therefore the quality of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Добростан, О. В., Іваненко, Р. В., & Коваленко, Л. А. (2024). STUDY OF THE MOTIVATION TO EDUCATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 49-54.