
  • V. I. Nemesh




emotional transformation, adolescence, emotional self-regulation, behavior, adolescents


The article is devoted to the problem of emotional transformation of adolescence. Factors of emotional transformation of adolescence influencing the process are identified. They are physiological (physical development of the body, attention to instincts, increased excitability), psychological (formation of the category of morality, self-identification and social position, self-esteem) and socio-psychological (positioning in society, the need for independence, reflections on further life). It is emphasized that if the negative aspect predominates among the factors, the load on the emotional sphere increases, and the emotional transformation leads to the emotional instability of the adolescent. It was proved that emotional instability can be a prerequisite for maladaptive emotional breakdowns and crises. It is proved that adolescents are not always able to adequately assess their own capabilities, oriented to maximalism that can lead to suspicion, resentment, irritability or, conversely, indifference, apathy, indifference. Peculiarities of the course of emotional transformation of adolescence are highlighted. It has been found that the emotional transformation of adolescence is characterized by a number of contradictions, which, lead to the presence or alternation of two phases of emotional transformation of adolescents – negative and positive. It is noted that emotional transformation should be based on emotional selfregulation. Gender features of emotional transformation of adolescents are revealed separately. It it emphasised that there is a need to take into account the individual mental and psychological characteristics of adolescents for the successful formation of emotional self-regulation, which means a certain level of mental regulation of activity, where emotions become a significant factor. It is proved that the problem of studying the emotional component of adolescents today requires an increasingly comprehensive analysis of medicine, psychology and pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Немеш, В. І. (2022). EMOTIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF ADOLESCENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 93-95. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2021.3.18