
  • M. V. Savchyn
  • M. I. Zamishchak
  • S. I. Zabolotska



personal development, educator, personality, healthy personality, vitality


The relevance of the problem of personal development of the future teacher in the context of the state professional standard and the standard of education of secondary school teacher training is analyzed. The essence and content of the mentioned phenomenon, theoretical and methodological foundations of compiling a program of personal development of a student teacher are stated: the idea of the essence, content, phenomenology, structure and abilities of personality, in particular, the development of consciousness and self-awareness, motivational sphere, potential personally emotional-volitional sphere, self-regulation, reflection, etc.), individual characteristics (temperament, character, abilities), natural basis for personality formation (predispositions). The development of personality is considered in unity with its integral life activity. The components of a healthy teacher’s personality (mental, psychological, social, moral and spiritual) and signs of a healthy lifestyle are analyzed. The proposed variant of the program of personal development of the future teacher is characterized, which distinguishes the blocks of selfrecognition of personality and lifestyle, development of competence, self-awareness, motivational sphere, potential of personality and its natural foundations. The presented data of empirical study of the results of implementation of the program have revealed a significant increase in students’ motivation to the problem of personal self-development and the study of psychological disciplines, an increase in their subjectivity and personal involvement in this process, separately, achievements in self-analysis of the inner world, mastery of personal abilities, improvement of life style (purposefulness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of life, solving a wide range of personal and life problems, the establishment of interpersonal relationships), and in terms of preparation for future professional activities. Teach the specifics of an educator’s activities in managing the implementation of a personal development program for students.


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How to Cite

Савчин, М. В., Заміщак, М. І., & Заболоцька, С. І. (2022). PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE TEACHER: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL AND EMPIRICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAM. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 101-106.