
  • O. O. Martynenko




motivation, professional-intellectual, factors, economist, youth


The article presents generalized results of research of different categories of surveyed economists by professional orientation. According to the set of information methods, the peculiarities of choosing a profession at the motivational and professional-intellectual levels are established. Preliminary analysis of the obtained data made it possible to identify the most significant and significant correlations and factor loads according to these indicators. This gives grounds to argue about the need to use indicators to diagnose the determinants of choosing the profession of economist by such methods as: “Motives for choosing a profession” V. Semichenko; “Determining the relationship between personality type and professional activity” by J. Holland and “Emotional Intelligence” by N. Hall. Freshmen, bachelors, masters and economic experts were surveyed. The general regularities and features inherent in each separate group of subjects are established. It is proved that most of the indicators of motivational, professional and intellectual spheres of the subjects significantly changed in professional genesis in the direction of growth from low and medium in freshmen to mostly middle in bachelors and to medium and mostly high in masters and high in experts. These results indicate an adequate choice of the profession of economist by the majority of respondents. The peculiarities of the determinants of choosing the profession of economist which are manifested in the significant influence of internal individual and socially significant motives, together with external positive motives; At the professional intellectual level, emotional intelligence was essential: emotional awareness, self-motivation, recognizing other people's emotions and managing one's emotions, as well as such important personal connections with the economist's professional activity as conventional, intellectual, realistic, enterprising.


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How to Cite

Мартиненко, О. О. (2022). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ МОТИВАЦІЙНОГО ТА ПРОФЕСІЙНО-ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО ФАКТОРІВ ОБРАННЯ МОЛОДДЮ ПРОФЕСІЇ ЕКОНОМІСТА. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 119-124. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2021.3.23

