
  • N. S. Kostruba
  • Yu. Yu. Khvesyk



media psychology, psychological security, media activity, social networks, youth


The article reveals the features of psychological security of the student’s personality in the media environment. Modern youth constantly turn to media activity to realize their own communicative, educational and other needs. However, the psychological consequences of such an active transition to online functioning have not yet been fully explored. Social networks have posed two pressing questions to the Internet community: privacy and freedom of speech. The issue of privacy in the media environment is often raised, which is a direct threat to the individual’s psychological security. To increase the level of psychological security in the media environment, scientists recommend the development of critical thinking, as well as to form an established system of personal values. The aim of the article was to study the relationship between psychological security and media activity as part of the student’s social life. To achieve the goal of the study, the methods “Diagnosis of psychological security of the individual” (I. Prikhodko) and the Questionnaire of media activity of the individual (author’s) were used. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used for statistical description of the data. The survey involved 52 students 1–4 years, aged 17–20 years. As a result, we found a statistically significant relationship between media activity and psychological security of the individual. Relatively safe for the psychological well-being of the individual is such media activity as watching online broadcasts or videos of programs and series. A threat to the individual’s psychological security can be such actions on the network as the publication of their own photos and their distribution, commenting on content on social networks. We see the prospects of the study in the investigation of individual’s psychological security in the media environment, taking into account the cognitive style of the student’s thinking.


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How to Cite

Коструба, Н. С., & Хвесик, Ю. Ю. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL SECURITY OF STUDENTS IN THE MEDIA ENVIRONMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 41-44.

