psychological and pedagogical support, primary school age, children with special education needs, inclusive education, school readinessAbstract
The article considers the problem of studying the psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of school readiness of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education. The results of scientific research are analyzed, which testify that insufficient attention is paid to the development of the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of children of primary school age with special educational needs in the conditions of a modern educational institution. The trajectory of psychological and pedagogical support is revealed as a necessary condition for the optimal transition of children to the next age and the creation of conditions for the child’s development in preparation for school. The main components of readiness of children with special educational needs for school are determined: motivational readiness, cognitive readiness, volitional readiness. Diagnostic tools have been developed and selected to study the formation of components of school readiness of children with special educational needs. The results of empirical data according to each of the components of school readiness are analyzed. The obtained results served as a basis for further development of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of children. The development and creation of a model is an effective tool to verify the truth and completeness of theoretical ideas about the psychological and pedagogical support of students with special educational needs in inclusive education. In order to ensure optimal development and successful integration into society of children with special educational needs in inclusive education, a program of psychological and pedagogical support was developed, which includes tasks, exercises and games, individual characteristics and capabilities of children. As a result of the program of psychological and pedagogical support, the unfavorable factors that hindered the growth of motivational, cognitive and volitional components of readiness for schooling of children with special educational needs have significantly decreased.
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