family system, family crisis, conflict and stressful situations of spouses, development of spouses, adaptation of spouses, conflict genes, family experience.Abstract
The article considers the study of spouses' reactions to conflict situations at different stages of the family life cycle in times of family crisis, which is appropriate in the context of analysis, resolution and prevention of conflict situations and interaction, forecasting the family system and developing psychological support programs. family crisis. The purpose of the study is to analyze the reactions of spouses to conflict situations at different stages of the family life cycle in times of family crisis. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of married couples of different ages and different fields of activity, at different stages of development of the family system. The results of theoretical analysis and empirical research allow us to conclude that in times of family crisis, spouses' reactions to conflict situations with increasing family life change from active-positive, through negative to passive in most areas of family life. The dominance of positive reactions at the beginning of family life (up to 3 years) is associated with positive expectations and novelty of family relationships. The predominance of negative reactions in conflict situations at the middle stage of development of the family system (3-10 years) is explained by the desire to actively eliminate the contradiction in the conflict of interests and expectations, in particular through conflict interaction. Passive reactions in families with long experience (over 10 years) are associated with stereotypical conflicts, established expectations and the dynamics of family interaction. Leading conflictogens reflect the challenges of family development at the appropriate stages of the life cycle. The main conflicts for young families are adaptive contradictions related to the upbringing of children and situations of inconsistency of norms of behavior; for a family with 3-10 years of experience, most areas of family life have a clear conflict; for mature families (more than 10 years) with increasing rigidity of the family system, most conflictogens become latent.
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