procrastination, coping behavior, strategy, youth, stress, stressful situations, mental health.Abstract
The article examines the current problem related to the study of procrastination and coping behavior in adolescents. Chronic stress is a challenge for many adults, including students. Accordingly, the stressful situations that are characteristic of modern Ukrainian youth are a significant challenge. Each coping task is dominated by different coping behaviors. Accordingly, by developing positive coping strategies and overcoming procrastination in young people, it is possible to increase the efficiency of life and success of their lives in general. The purpose of the study: to empirically investigate the psychological features of the relationship between procrastination and coping behavior in adolescence. An analysis of domestic and foreign research on this issue and found that procrastination has a wide range of links with coping strategies and protective mechanisms of the personality of young people. It was emphasized that this problem is most characteristic of young people in educational activities, as most of them avoid situations that require hard work, although young people are considered the most energetic and active part of society. It has been found that procrastination in young people is associated with stressful situations, which may include: limitations of real communication, negative information and news, low self-esteem and lack of mood and motivation for activity, change of habitual location, new environment. An empirical study and the results of most studies have shown that stress is a determining factor in procrastination in young people who tend to use low-effectiveness coping strategies. Ineffective coping strategy contributes to the fact that a person avoids and abstracts from solving the problem, emotionally reduces its significance. An analysis of the relationship between coping strategies and procrastination has shown that there are direct correlations between procrastination and coping strategies.
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