gerontogenesis, late adulthood, personality, old age, successful aging.Abstract
The article is devoted to the topical and important problem of modernity – the problem of old age, which is closely connected with the socio-demographic situation in the world and which is characterized by a sharp increasing in the number of people that has reached the age of sixty. Psychophysiological and intellectual features of the development of the elderly, the development of their emotional and motivational spheres at the stage of late ontogenesis are revealed. The article examines the main factors of population aging in the world, including declining birth rates, on the one hand, and overall growth in life expectancy, on the other, which in some countries, the so-called "blue zones" reaches 82 years or more. Economic, social, psychological and other factors that influence on the development of society and its wellbeing are revealed. The relevance of the proposed topic is proved and the basic concepts of aging are revealed, the concept of successful aging is highlighted. In the article are analyzed the results of the McArthur study organized in the United States in the 1980s and its significance for the study of old age and the aging process. McArthur's research in gerontopsychology led to a new approach to the interpretation of old age, according to which old age began to be studied in the context of such concepts as "quality of life", "life satisfaction", "subjective well-being", which were associated not only with health of the elderly (biological approach), but also with numerous socio-psychological characteristics, such as social activity, meaningful life orientations, features of the emotional sphere, adaptive aging, etc. The study founded that the necessary elements of successful aging are high security of physical health, cognitive functions, as well as psychological and social factors. Psychological factors include life satisfaction, constructive coping-behavior, adequate self-esteem, lack of depression. Among the social factors, active involvement in public life, desire and ability to social contacts were noted.
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