speech, business communication, professional speech competence, communication process, enterprise management.Abstract
The article analyzes the role of the communication process in the management of the organization. It is determined that one of the main tasks of management is the coherence of staff activities. The process of interaction that occurs through the use of speech. Speech, from the standpoint of psychology, is considered the highest mental function of man. It performs two main functions: communicative and significant. In management, he uses two types of speech to establish communication: written and oral. An essential aspect of the formation of oral speech is non-verbal communication, which is very influential in business communication. Written and oral speech are two components of a single communication system, which is built in the process of managing the organization. In business communication, when creating a message, professional language tools are used, which are inherent in the specialization to which the specialist belongs. Speech tools are used to construct the appeal, which are directed at arguing the main idea of the message. The use of argumentation requires considerable knowledge and concentration. Two main groups of methods are used for argumentation: rhetorical, speculative. Mastering professional speech competence allows the correct and most effective use of these speech tools. The peculiarity of business communication, compared to the usual, is an important psychological principle – the distinction between the subject of the interview and the interlocutor. It is pointed out that there are a number of principles, a compliance of which leads to increased productivity of business communication. Each stage of the communication process is based on the professional knowledge and personal competencies and qualities of the interlocutors. The structure of dialogue in business communication consists of certain stages, and at each of them an important factor of influence is professional speech competence.
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