destructive influence, psychological safety, psychological manipulation, machiavellianism, personalityAbstract
The article analyzes that manipulation is a purposeful, conscious, organized psychological influence with the aim of using another person’s personality as a means of achieving one’s own goals. It has been theoretically analyzed that psychological influence is the subject of scientific interest of modern psychology in two forms: as a psychological influence of one personality on another and as an influence of mediated factors on a person’s life. It was determined that manipulative influence as a characterological feature is manifested in the form of Machiavellianism, and also that psychological manipulation is a specific tool for influencing the consciousness of an individual. The aim of the study was the theoretical and empirical study of the tendency to manipulative influence of persons with different levels of psychological security. The applied research methods correspond to the set goals and objectives. The use of the author’s questionnaire made it possible to establish the integral level of psychological security of the individual and to stratify it. Propensity to manipulative influence was investigated using the "Dark Core" technique, which was included in the general questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the propensity for manipulation has peculiarities in statistical values: the subjects, regardless of the level of psychological security, have a moderate propensity for manipulative influence. It was analyzed that these indicators are statistically higher in subjects with a low and medium level of psychological safety. It is found that there is a heterogeneity of a specific part of the sample with a medium level of security, which has a very high level of Machiavellianism. It is shown that the intensity of manipulative influence and the forms of its manifestation differ depending on the challenges faced by the individual. They have a subject orientation. It was determined that respondents with a high level of psychological security have the lowest level of susceptibility to psychological influence. It is noted that the empirical analysis established inconsistencies in the research results, which do not fit into the logic of mathematical statistics and should be clarified by further analysis of the obtained results and repeated studies. Directions for further research are highlighted.
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