
  • L. P. Mishchykha
  • V. Yu. Kravchenko



psychological well-being, middle adulthood, woman’s feelings, psychological well-being factors, symptom complex of personal features


The article researches the psychologic al well-being features of a woman in middle adulthood. The selected number was 30 people, it means women in middle adulthood (age of 40-55) living in Western Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne). Empirical research methods were the followings: a survey (written), a ranking method, and also “psychological well-being scale” by K.Riff. The objective of the empirical research was to find out the factors that affect the psychological well-being features of a woman in middle adulthood. The results of the research showed that such factors could be physical and mental health, family comfort, the feeling to be attractive and young, welfare, to be sure about tomorrow. Some other factors have been found out instead. They interfere a woman’s worries about psychological well-being, it means bad feeling, loneliness, family disharmonic relations, lack of job, children, future perspectives, inability to realize one’s own needs, lack of interests, hobbies, friends and productive recreation. The method “Psychological well-being scale” by K.Riff resulted the middle rate of psychological well-being of a woman in middle adulthood (371,45). The research studied the influence of symptom complex of personal features on a woman’s experiencing psychological well-being. Among positive features the followings were separated – optimism, the ability to forgive quickly, not to dwell on failures, self-confidence, the ability to communicate and interact with others, kindness, conscientiousness, responsibility, honesty, diligence, sincerity. These features help the individual interact harmoniously with oneself and the world, to find the balance in everything, to be able to enjoy life. The results of the research can be helpful to organize and provide a woman in middle adulthood with psychological support for her further positive functionality.


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Шкала психологічного благополуччя Ріфф К. //



How to Cite

Міщиха, Л. П., & Кравченко, В. Ю. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING FEATURES OF A WOMAN IN MIDDLE ADULTHOOD. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 20-24.