psycho-emotional state, mental health, informational influence, somatic complaints, psychosomatics, correction, rehabilitation, habilitationAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the current functioning of the population during active hostilities in Ukraine. The study involved 784 respondents aged 18 to 80 years. The survey was conducted in 2022 among the adult population of Ukraine before and during the escalation of the armed conflict: Group 1 (before the war) – 254 people and Group 2 (during the war) – 530 people. The highest concern among the population is certainly caused by the military-political situation in the country, as well as significant dynamics recorded by indicators: the socio-economic situation in the country and in their own family (increase by 41.8% and 42.3%, respectively), changes in somatic health increased by 13.7%, increased anxiety due to information in the media (by 33.7%). The need to obtain information has significantly increased from 45.7% (1 group) to 75.5% (2 group) and the complexity of its processing has increased. The pessimistic psychological state increased by 32.3%. Respondents complain of increased pain of various localizations, sleep disturbances and decreased physical activity. The developed technology of providing medical and psychological assistance to the population affected by mental health is based on the principles of complexity, system, integration and consists of six stages of implementation: IT-express diagnostics, primary diagnostics, in-depth diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation stage, rehabilitation and habilitation, the final stage. At each stage, the purpose, performers and ways of fulfilling the tasks are clearly defined, which are implemented through an interdisciplinary approach and carried out by a single team of specialists.
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