
  • Ya. S. Ponomarenko



personality's-professional fulfillmentity, personality, police officers, professional activity, self-control, selfmotivation, self-management


The article reveals a theoretical analysis of the problem of self-management and an empirical study of the outlined phenomenon in the practice of policing. In the field of psychology, enough attention is paid by scientists to the importance of self-management in the performance of official duties by police officers. Scientists have proven that the presence of this trait is necessary for a police officer to effectively manage the potentially unstable interaction between the police and the public. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the self-management ability of policemen with low and high levels of personality's-professional fulfillmentity (PPF). The research sample consisted of 206 police officers. The results obtained from O. Shtepa's «Questionnaire of Personality’s Fulfillmentity» and O. Kokun's "Questionnaire of Professional Self-Fulfillment" helped to form three groups of subjects at three levels (PPF). A low level of PPF was diagnosed in 70 people; average - at 38; high level - 98 police officers. Policemen who were diagnosed with an average level of personal and professional fulfillment were excluded from further empirical research. To identify the peculiarities of self-management in police activity, we used the «Self-Regulatory Inventar (SSI – Selbststeuerungsinventar)» by Ju. Kuhl and A. Fuhrman. Mathematical processing of the results was carried out using the Student's t-test for independent samples. It has been empirically diagnosed that the group with a low level of PPF has sufficiently developed willpower, they manage their emotions well and are able to perform their duties in particularly difficult circumstances. Representatives of the first group do not lose concentration in difficult circumstances and will see their work through to the end even if they have failed or made a mistake. However, they lack motivation and stress resistance, which negatively affects their self-confidence. In the second group of police officers with a high level of PPF, developed self-motivation, self-control and initiative were diagnosed. That is, police officers of the second group are aware of the importance of their activities, are confident in the importance of their contribution to the profession, which is reflected well in their tendency to perform their work in difficult conditions and in the face of failures. They are balanced, flexible and self-confident people, which positively affects the quality of police activity and its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Пономаренко, Я. С. (2022). SELF-MANAGEMENT OF POLICE OFFICERS IN THE CONTEXT OF PERSONALITY’S-PROFESSIONAL FULFILLMENTITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 51-55.