professional development, personal development of a specialist, professional psychological competence, continuous professional educationAbstract
The article presents the main approaches to the problem of the professional development of the personality of a specialist in the conditions of continuous professional development, reveals the meaning of the concept of "professional competence" in relation to the personality of a doctor, substantiates that the introduction and improvement of psychological training in the system of training and retraining of medical personnel is an important step for personal and professional becoming a specialist, therefore, the training of doctors should acquire personal, competence priorities and include, in addition to the educational process, certain measures aimed at obtaining practical, professional experience. It was determined that the introduction and improvement of psychological training in the system of training and retraining of medical personnel is an important step for the personal and professional development of a specialist. It is substantiated that the process of forming a doctor's psychological readiness for professional activity is long-term, is carried out at certain stages of professional training and requires targeted psychological and pedagogical influence, when the most significant personal changes occur, which determine the direction and success of the development of the future specialist's psychological readiness for professional activity. The information presented in the article indicates that the educational process of continuous training of the future doctor should include not only professional, but also personal development of the specialist, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate stages. The programs of courses for the development of psychological readiness and the formation of professional psychological competence at the stage of professional training of specialists in the medical field are presented. It was concluded that the introduction and improvement of psychological training in the system of training and retraining of medical personnel is an important step for the personal and professional development of a specialist. Prospects for further scientific research are presented.
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