
  • R. M. Khavula




boredom, psychological support, life position, social well-being, psycho-prophylactic work, youth


The article reveals the features of psychological support, which is aimed at preventing the occurrence of boredom in young people. The optimal socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and mental development in youth are singled out, the model of the relationship between life position and social well-being of students is revealed and characterized. Attention is focused on the fact that the life position of young people is considered as an integral psychological characteristic of the individual, which includes a holistic, systemic unity of interconnected and mutually conditioned components: existential, cognitive, motivational, affective, volitional, regulatory and activity. It was found that the social well-being of students as an individual and personal phenomenon is a psychological characteristic that involves a balance between the expectations and requirements that the student presents to his own person, to others, to the conditions and content of the general quality of life, to the subjective assessment achievements and opportunities to implement own requests. The structural components of social well-being are singled out, namely the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. On the basis of the theoretical and methodological principles of psychological support, a model of the relationship between the subject's life position and the social well-being of students has been theoretically substantiated and developed, which contributes to the development of recommendations for the prevention of boredom. It has been established that the organization of psychological support must comply with the principles of social determination, the principle of activity, the principle of development, the principle of systematicity, and the subject-activity principle. Scientific ideas about recommendations on ways to prevent the occurrence of boredom have been expanded. It is shown which recommendations will contribute to the development of social well-being in youth, the result of which is the prevention of boredom. Ways of implementing development work using such forms as lectures and practical classes with disclosure of their stages and structure are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Khavula, R. M. (2022). WAYS OF PROVIDING PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF YOUNG PEOPLE PRONE TO BOREDOM. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 69-73. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2022.2.14