corporate culture, organizational commitment, regulation, activity, managementAbstract
The article proves that corporate culture is one of the important components in the field of organizational behavior, in particular for the aims of the best understanding of both organizational context and people that manage organizations. Consequently, corporate culture can influence the successful achievement of an organization’s aims and tasks. It should be noted that the commitment of people within an organization is also is important for successful implementation of organizational policies and plans. It is considered that together with forming corresponding values and organizational culture providing the necessary level of organizational commitment among employees and/or managers is also an issue of indisputable importance for an organization. Organizational commitment is such a psychological state that characterizes connections of workers into an organization, in particular in the understanding of actual or possible intention to continue his/her membership in this organization. It is shown that corporate culture or organizational commitment have a potential influence on organizational efficiency. Thus organizational culture can improve the level of organizational commitment and consequently to provide organizational success. These factors also have an important value for managers who work as pioneers of systemic important processes into their organization. Accordingly, these two factors, corporate culture and organizational commitment, can be related. Our article demonstrates that there is connection between corporate culture and organizational commitment. Such a conclusion has an important value for management and development, particularly development of human capital and motivation for workers. For certain types of corporate culture and organizational commitment the model of organizational environment works better than for others. In other words, there is a certain likeness or compatibility between types of organizational culture and types of organizational commitment, necessary for effective motivation of employees within an organization. Thus for the aims of motivation of personnel, it is necessary first to define the type of organizational culture, then to distinguish the corresponding type of organizational commitment, necessary to emphasize within the organization.
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