
  • V. V. Predko



frustration tolerance, hardiness, personality, adolescent, development.


The article reveals the role of frustration tolerance. It is presented as an integral personal characteristic that ensures a person’s ability to endure stress and maintain relative calm when faced with difficulty. It is substantiated that it is the main driving mechanism that allows a person to quickly adapt to new realities, resist various stress factors, find ways to solve life’s difficulties, effectively build their lives, maintain an optimistic attitude, find the strength to make plans and move on and most importantly self-fulfilment, while maintaining physical and mental health. A high level of frustration tolerance is associated with high self-esteem, psychological stability, internal locus of control, low personal and situational anxiety and the manifestation of optimism. It is noted that frustration factors largely depend on a person’s subjective experience, the uniqueness of his perception and the meaning he attributes to them, as well as the individual’s general awareness of the probability of satisfying his own needs. The importance of social factors in the formation of frustration tolerance, in particular the process of its purposeful development, is emphasized. It is determined that the main prerequisite for the formation and development of frustration tolerance is the hardiness of the individual, which makes it possible to maintain effective life, even under adverse conditions and circumstances. Hardiness affects the assessment of the current situation, in particular, reduces its trauma, helps perceive any changes as a chance for improvement and personal development, allows you to predict the desired future and uses constructive coping strategies.


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How to Cite

Предко, В. В. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF HARDINESSMIN THE FORMATION OF FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE OF ADOLESCENT PERSONALITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 15-19.