
  • N. V. Nazaruk



procrastination, procrastinator, non-procrastinator, postponement of tasks, postponement of decisionmaking.


The article examines the problem of procrastination as a psychological phenomenon. Procrastination can manifest itself in pupils, students, and professionals. The phenomenon of procrastination is the subject of research in psychology, medicine, pedagogy, and politics. The scientific literature presents works on political procrastination, academic procrastination of students, causes, consequences and ways to overcome procrastination. In psychology, there is no single view on the definition of the phenomenon of procrastination. Procrastination can be considered as a psychological concept that describes a person's tendency to postpone unpleasant or difficult tasks, thoughts, decisions, affairs for later, gravitating towards things that bring more pleasure or a faster result. Procrastination manifests itself in all spheres of life: everyday life, military and state affairs. The first scientific studies of procrastination in psychology were in the field of psychoanalysis. In recent years, many publications on procrastination have appeared, but they are descriptive in nature and contain little empirical research. Two main directions of procrastination are distinguished: postponement of tasks and postponement of decision-making. Different types of procrastination are distinguished: educational (academic), labor, social, domestic, political. Characteristic types of procrastination are described: everyday, decision-making, neurotic, academic, compulsive. Normative (temporary) and non-normative (permanent) procrastination, active and passive procrastination were analyzed. Most procrastinators are internals, and non-procrastinators are externals. The theories of the occurrence of procrastination are considered: self-censorship, parental authoritarianism, personal resistance, anxiety. Psychological, socio-psychological, pedagogical and psychophysiological factors of the occurrence of procrastination in the student environment are highlighted. The emotions that can hide behind procrastination (fear, sadness, joy, anger, shame, guilt) were analyzed. The methods of combating procrastination are described: getting rid of temporary procrastination, the method of reducing the significance of the task, the method of visualization.


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How to Cite

Назарук, Н. В. (2022). PROCRASTINATION AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 66-70.