professional speech, business document, information saturation, psychology of perception, manager.Abstract
The article highlights the importance of business documents as a means of displaying the results of management decisions in the process of managing an organization. As part of their professional activity, managers constantly process documents, discover and process information they need for further actions. The purpose of a business document is to convey information necessary for the next actions of the addressee. The availability of the necessary information in the document is determined by the addressee. The complex psychological process of perceiving a message takes place in person’s mind and is a set of processes for processing the available information in the document. The indicator that evaluates the availability of the necessary information in the document reflects the information saturation of the message. This indicator reflects the level of sufficiency of the volume of information in the text that the respondent receives to produce an appropriate response to it and correlate it with the volume of the text. It was determined that the indicator of information saturation of the text of a business document has three gradations: insufficient informativeness of the text; sufficient informativeness of the text; excessive informativeness of the text. Based on this, the language of the document should be professionally oriented, concise and clear. However, when producing the text, it is necessary to use the means of business ethics. All factors influencing the perception of information in a business document can be conditionally divided into three groups: professional knowledge of the addressee and the person who drew up the document; physical factors of influence on familiarization with the document; psychological factors of influence on familiarization with the document. The main psychological factors influencing the appropriate perception of the professional speech of a business document are the absence of psychological obstacles when reading the document and internal, subconscious agreement with the statements and beliefs highlighted in the document.
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