
  • V. I. Omelianska
  • S. I. Isaievych
  • N. M. Zabolotna



positive personality functioning, psychological health, happiness, well-being, psychological well-being, subjective well-being, dynamism of experiencing psychological well-being, psychological resources


The article analyses the scientific polemics of domestic and foreign psychologists on the issue of the positive functioning of the individual. The research explores the importance of psychological well-being as a crucial element of an individual’s positive functioning in modern society. Achieving balance and stability in psychological well-being is an essential topic that cannot be overlooked or underestimated. It has been extensively discussed and debated in social and psychological sciences, which this research emphasizes. The article outlines an attempt to understand the debate about finding a balance point, the desired stabilization of psychological well-being (Cummins, theory of homeostasis) or the healthy functioning of personal well-being according to the oscillating principle of balance-imbalance. The research highlights the dynamism of experiencing psychological wellbeing. To achieve our goal, we examine established theories of psychological well-being, such as hedonistic, eudaemonic, and dynamic. Furthermore, we explore the concept of achieving equilibrium between available resources and obstacles and emphasize the significance of maintaining a state of well-being through homeostasis. After analyzing K. Riff’s scale, we have noticed that psychological well-being can fluctuate over time. Summarizing the results of our scientific research of the discussions on the explanation of psychological well-being, we pay more and more attention to the understanding of psychological well-being not as the goal of the desire for satisfaction and stabilization of the psycho-socio-emotional state, but as a consequence of the achievement of the need for psychological well-being, on the way of which we encounter the inevitability of realizing a responsible valuable realization of being.


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How to Cite

Омелянська, В. І., Ісаєвич, С. І., & Заболотна, Н. М. (2023). THE DYNAMISM OF EXPERIENCING PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 30-34.

