
  • O. O. Vlasenko



professional speech competence, manager, criteria, indicators, level of professional speech competence


The article reveals the importance of professional speech competence of managers as the basis of professional development of personality in the environment. This definition is given from the management perspective. One has determined the main criteria and indicators characterizing it as well as described the methods used in the research. The study of the level of professional speech competence of future managers is reflected in the work. The total number of respondents was 252 management applicants to Ukrainian universities, 126 of which had Master’s degrees and 126 had Bachelor’s degrees. One has carried out the comparative analysis of this competence among Bachelors and Masters and determined its levels. The results of the conducted empirical research show that the level of awareness of Bachelors and Masters differs in terms of individual indicators forming professional speech competence. However, the aggregate, general level of professional speech competence of Bachelors and Masters is the same. The majority of respondents (from 63% to 71% by different groups) are considered to have a low level of professional speech competence. This indicates the inability of applicants to produce an informative, rich, and properly structured statement using appropriate professional language means and to verbally perceive, interpret and understand professionally-focused information provided by the interlocutor with its assessment and relevant interpretation. This level of professional speech competence will limit the scope of the future manager and reduce the level of performance of his/her professional duties in the future. Therefore, one should develop and implement a program to increase the level of professional speech competence in educational activities of the Management specialty.


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How to Cite

Власенко, О. О. (2023). RESEARCH OF THE GENERAL LEVEL OF PROFESSIONAL SPEECH COMPETENCE OF FUTURE MANAGERS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 52-56.