procrastination, procrastinator, rationality, irrationality, time management.Abstract
The article reveals a view of procrastination as a norm, not a pathology. Procrastination can be either episodic or chronic, but in both cases it is a protective mechanism of rationalization of the human psyche. Procrastination can be both an irrational and a rational personality position. Procrastination is distinguished as postponing the completion of a task and postponing decision-making. Procrastination is considered as a person’s desire to avoid haste and stress, as an irrational or rational postponement of tasks or decision-making, as a process of procrastination for no reason or for a specific reason, as a desire to avoid unpleasant tasks or to get positive emotions in the face of a shortage of time, as a bad habit or laziness. There are two approaches to the interpretation of procrastination: reducing tension and increasing tension. Scientists divide all factors of procrastination into two groups: permanent (not easily subject to change and stable over time) and situational (well subject to change and unstable over time). The consequences of procrastination can be psychological, social and physiological. The phenomenological field of personality procrastination is a feature of the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and biological spheres. The causes, manifestations and consequences of procrastination in children, youth and adults are different. There are six signs of procrastination: perceived security, laziness, justification, self-deception and repetition. Seven types of procrastination in the construction of a personal future are described: constructive, conventional, energy-saving, sporadic, patterned, trendy and communicative. Procrastination can be active or passive. Active procrastination is rational because it manifests itself in receiving benefits from doing more pleasant things. Passive procrastination is irrational, because a person does not receive benefits, but on the contrary feels a sense of guilt, dissatisfaction with himself and internal discomfort. Effective methods of overcoming procrastination are time management techniques: D. Eisenhower’s matrix of priorities, the “Alpa” method, the ABC analysis system, B. Franklin’s time management system, and V. Pareto’s time principle.
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