
  • N. Yu. Volianiuk
  • H. V. Lozhkin
  • A. B. Kolosov



organizational stress, tension, sports team, interpersonal interaction, personal resources, role uncertainty, interpersonal conflict, interference effect


The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of disparate facts about the phenomenon of organizational stress in a sports team. In the psychology of sports, a number of concepts related to stress are distinguished: competitive stress, stress of high physical exertion, organizational stress. These concepts are close, but not synonymous. Competitive stress arises as a reaction to rivalry. Stress of physical activity is associated with exorbitant physical stress. Organizational stress arises from the negative impact on the athlete of the characteristics of the team in which he is located. The study allowed to reveal the content of the organizational stress of the sports team. Referring to various studies, the authors define it as a complex state of a sports team, determined by factors of increased tension and hindering its effective functioning as a whole. As a special psychological phenomenon, organizational stress manifests itself with a decrease in the integration of its members into the work of the sports team. The article formulates a provision on classifying the activities of athletes as a group of professions in the innovation sphere and the possibility of considering factors that cause a variety of manifestations of organizational stress in a team at three levels (group, personal, external). Group (team) level explained due to interpersonal communication of athletes and position in the team. Personal level is caused by the psychological “problems” of the athlete. External level associated with the characteristics of the management of the team (club) and social environment. The positive or negative significance of these factors is due to the psychological attitudes of athletes and coaches, as well as their deep understanding of the phenomenon of organizational stress. The action of organizational stress factors imposes special requirements on the athlete's personal resources, the depletion or loss of which is the primary trigger that begins the stress response of the team as a whole.


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How to Cite

Волянюк, Н. Ю., Ложкін, Г. В., & Колосов, А. Б. (2022). SPORTS TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 38-44.

