
  • O. H. Shaida
  • O. V. Cherniakova
  • N. P. Shaida



socio-psychological factors, professional activity, professional adaptation, mental state, understanding and managing emotions


The article analyzes the socio-psychological factors of successful adaptation of employees to professional activities. In the new conditions of professional development, an employee with professional experience and a young specialist may face the presentation of not only new professional requirements and tasks, but also new working conditions, a system of building relationships in the team, revealing some inconsistencies between the process of learning theoretical knowledge and available professional skills with real practical professional activity. The information presented in the article indicates that there is both scientific and practical demand for a comprehensive study of the features of psychological readiness for different areas of activity (educational, professional, sports) at different stages of personality development. The article emphasizes that the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of psychological readiness of the future specialist for professional activity in the system of his training in an educational institution acquires special social significance. When differentiating individual psychological personality traits or stable personality traits and temporary mental states that express them, their dialectical unity should be taken into account, because personality traits can be clearly manifested briefly in the respective mental states, not necessarily while performing a dominant role in their structure. At the end of the article it is concluded that the category of socio-psychological readiness of the future specialist for professional activity should be considered as a systemic structure that includes a set of professional, socio-psychological and psycho-physiological components, but not only psychological and those that affect professional performance.


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How to Cite

Шайда, О. Г., Чернякова, О. В., & Шайда, Н. П. (2022). SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF MODERN PROFESSIONALS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 54-58.

