psychological features of professional development, personality of a specialist, professional development, self-realization of personality, self-regulation of professional development.Abstract
The article examines the main conceptual psychological approaches to the problem of the formation of the personality of a specialist and defines the psychological features of the professional formation of the personality. It is noted that the problem of the personality of a specialist and his professional development, formation and development of professionalism, professional competence is an important systemic scientific problem. The components of self-regulation, personal models of self-regulation of professional self-fulfillment and ways of self-regulation of the professionogenesis of a doctor's personality are analyzed. An analysis of concepts and models of professional and personal development and formation of specialists at the stage of professional training was made. The stages of the professional formation of a doctor's personality are outlined, from the stage of professional psychological readiness and adaptation to the stage of professional mastery, the source of which is not only the personal qualities of the doctor, but also his professional competencies. The information provided in the article indicates that professional formation is manifested in the development of his personality and individuality due to the acquisition of professionalism and the formation of an individual style of professional activity, in turn, the professional self-realization of an individual is conditioned by the need to develop professional competencies of a specialist in the process of professional training; the need to determine the psychological characteristics and ways of professional development of the doctor's personality; the importance of the step-by-step development of self-regulation of professionogenesis in the conditions of continuous professional education; society's need for qualified doctors. It is summarized that the formation of the personality of a specialist requires awareness of personal individual characteristics, professionally important qualities, identification of oneself with the profession, as a result of which one's own reflection and consciousness of the individual is actualized, integration of personal and professional meanings takes place. It was concluded that a special role in the process of personality development is played by the process of professional formation, which is associated with changes in professional and value orientations, the formation of necessary abilities and skills, the development of motivation, the accumulation of personal experience in practical activities, etc.
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