
  • V. V. Voloshyna
  • A. Kalinina
  • H. B. Varina



education, online format, offline format, future psychologists, COVID-19 pandemic.


The article presents the results of a theoretical-empirical study of the problem of the attitude of future psychologists to mastering knowledge in higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the fact that one of the requirements for the organization of distance learning for future psychologists is to ensure the psychological comfort of the educational environment and the possibility of implementing a student-centered approach in the online space. The conducted research proved the absence of significant changes in the attitude of modern students to the change in the format of education from offline to online. The Internet space was so deeply implemented in the life of a modern person that the change in the format of obtaining knowledge practically did not affect their perception of the implementation of the educational process. The vast majority of respondents noted the convenience of the online education format and expressed a desire to continue using it in the future. The authors analyzed the main difficulties faced by students in the process of distance learning. Among such difficulties future psychologists attributed technical problems of the Internet network, imperfect mastery of interactive forms of work, low level of technical competence or interference in the educational process of relatives who were at home. The authors emphasize that in today's information-digitalized society, future psychologists must have information and communication skills, digital literacy and information security rules. Accordingly, activation of the process of communication and interactive interaction in the online environment contributes to the development of hard skills in future specialists. The results of the study made it possible to determine the content characteristics of students' attitude to online learning, to analyze the difficulties faced by future professionals. The corresponding results can be taken into account in the process of designing and modernizing the educational virtual environment.


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How to Cite

Voloshyna, V. V., Kalinina, A., & Varina, H. B. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS ONLINE EDUCATION IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 82-86.