
  • V. H. Panok
  • V. V. Predko



war, post-covid, post-crisis development, life planning, crisis life situation, social and psychological rehabilitation, hardiness.


The article presents the phenomenon of post-crisis development, reveals its main content and psychological features. It is also noted that it is accompanied by qualitative internal changes that arise in a person as a result of a crisis situation. It is emphasized that the transformation of negative experience occurs only through the resolution of internal conflict, constructive cognitive and emotional processing, the formation of a new meaning and the reconstruction of one's old internal schemes. As a result, there is a distinction between the life beliefs that existed before the crisis and those that are formed in the post-crisis dimension. In other words, post-crisis development involves transformational psychological changes in a person's thinking and attitude toward himself or herself and the world. The article also notes that shared traumatic experiences, such as war, are more likely to lead to post-crisis development than individual, personal traumas. The article also presents the results of a study on the peculiarities of the traumatic experience of Ukrainians, in which 15,060 respondents took part. In particular, it was found that the vast majority of Ukrainians, namely (84%), consider themselves stronger now than before the traumatic events; a significant number of respondents (81.9%) began to treat themselves with more respect after the traumatic events, and two-thirds of respondents (69.9%) discovered new positive qualities in themselves in the post-crisis period. The article also emphasizes that resilience, optimism, and hope for the best play an important role in the manifestation of post-crisis development. In particular, the majority of Ukrainians (74%) rated their level of hardiness as above average, and the vast majority of survey participants (64.5%) said they were confident and optimistic about the future. Accordingly, the majority of Ukrainians tend to show post-crisis development, they demonstrate hardiness, hope and optimism, which help them better cope with the negative consequences of traumatic events.


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How to Cite

Панок, В. Г., & Предко, В. В. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF POST-CRISIS DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIANS DURING THE WAR. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 137-142.

