psychological well-being, mental health, somatic health, stress factors, informational influence, psychoemotional state.Abstract
The article presents the methodology and results of the public health study, and the psychological well-being of the population. Given the high level of stressors that a person faces, and the intense information impact on the human psyche, screening tools for early detection of mental and physical health disorders, were described. The screening showed that the most pressing stressors for the population are health concerns, the military-political situation in the country, and the economic situation in the family. In the conditions of intensive information influence, 45.7% of respondents found an increase in the need to obtain information, and 13.4% – a refusal to receive news at all. The most popular sources of meeting information needs are the use of social networks, and communication with relatives, friends, and colleagues. As a result of psychological destabilization, the indicators of deterioration of somatic health were such as: decreased physical activity, sleep disturbance, and the presence of pain of different localization. In addition, one-third of the sample had a tendency to bad habits in order to "improve" their psycho-emotional and somatic condition. 14.6% of respondents were identified who needed in-depth medical and psychological diagnosis with subsequent psycho correction, necessary treatment, and rehabilitation. It is noted that the assessment of public health, in particular informational, psychological, and psychosomatic aspects, will be the key to early detection of risk groups, and prevention of mental pathology, thereby strengthening public health in general and reducing the cost of comprehensive medical care.
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