psychology of management, decision-making theory, decision-making techniques, decision-making in management, facilitation, facilitation procedureAbstract
The article examines decision-making in management as a process, analyzes approaches, methods and opportunities for their implementation; it is determined that managerial decision-making is directly related to the theory of decisionmaking in psychology, economics, management, system analysis, and a number of other sciences and is based on the analysis of the situation, available resources, and goals set. The authors highlighted that psychology of management pays significant attention to the emotional state, peculiarities of communication, effectiveness of interaction and working relationships in the team, as well as tools and methods of their adjustment. It was confirmed that the prerequisites for effective work are the setting of interaction between employees of management and executive branches, effective and timely resolution of conflicts, optimization of relationships in the work team for performance of assigned tasks, establishment of effective management processes and use of optimal decision-making methods. Choice of the optimal solution involves the use of a decision-making mechanism which includes selection of decision-making methods, among which formal, heuristic, and expert evaluation methods are distinguished. The application of expert assessment methods makes the participation of not only a specialist – an expert, but also a facilitator appropriate. It was established that the facilitator facilitates the interaction between team members, both at the "leader-leader" level, and at the "leader-executive" and "executor-executor" levels. The result of such interaction is adoption, approval and implementation of decisions, improvement of interaction in the work team and normalization of the emotional background in the institution. At the same time, the subject of decision-making is a person or a group of managers. Methods and techniques used by facilitators are structured (methods of group work, activation of mental activity, normalization of clients' emotions and actual optimization of clients' decision-making). The perspective of various modeling options, game theory and other ways of activating creative search usage is emphasized. In today's world, professional facilitation acquires the status of an important tool that increases the effectiveness of project implementation in economic, political and other spheres of public life.
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