emotional burnout, emotional burnout syndrome, professional activity of a doctor, professional activity of a teacher.Abstract
The article analyzes the problem of emotional burnout in the professional activity of doctors and teachers, considers the concept of «emotional burnout», features of the professional activity of doctors and teachers. The feelings that lead to the development of emotional burnout syndrome have been identified. The phases of the syndrome are identified and the symptom complexes of these phases are described, such as a change in the dynamics of fatigue, a decrease in resistance to diseases, deterioration of emotional contacts, dulling of sensations. A group of factors contributing to the development of the syndrome, such as personal, role (social), and organizational factors, is singled out. Professionally significant properties of doctors and teachers are considered in detail: characteristics of nervous processes, individual-typological features, some of which spontaneously mobilize valuable qualities for professional activity, while compensating for others that prevent the achievement of the goal. Attention is paid to the place and role of work capacity in the formation of the burnout syndrome. The types are outlined and the phases/periods of performance are described, and their brief characteristics are provided. A comparison was made of the presence and characteristics of the studied syndrome in doctors and teachers. Significant differences were found between the levels and severity of the emotional burnout syndrome in representatives of the medical and pedagogical fields who participated in the study. Based on the obtained results, we can draw a conclusion about the differences in the levels of the studied syndrome among doctors and teachers, as well as about a higher level of expressiveness of the studied syndrome among doctors. It is proved that the phase of exhaustion is formed in the same way in doctors and teachers, while the phase of exhaustion is not formed in representatives of both fields. Personal qualities that facilitate adaptation to professional activity and reduce the process of «burnout» are indicated. Attention is drawn to the importance of the development of emotional maturity and the directions of professional help in case of emotional burnout.
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