intelligence, ability, adaptation, behavior, personality.Abstract
The following article highlights the results of intelligence studies' origin. Intelligence is the genetically determined ability of a personality to perform different cognitive and social assignments, adapt to society's conditions, and gain experience. Intelligence level is the result of a measurement of a person's sensations through tests of sensory differences, abilities of a person to understand, cognition, censures, and mental experience (testological approach). The intelligence of personality is interpreting in single ( general) or a variety of factors connected to mental and cognitive abilities that provide an opportunity to deal with intellectual tests ( fact-analytical approach) Intelligence corresponds to the consciousness and knowledge of the person. The level of intelligence attests to its ability to quickly change the structure of the image of cognition for a deeper understanding of the significant signs of problem situations and their productive solution. Intellectual development factors define as the ability of the person to unexpectedly and quickly establish noteworthy signs of various problematic issues that require urgent solutions, and the level of organization of the knowledge system (phenomenological approach). Intelligence is a multipurpose method to counterbalance a person with environmental demands (its adaptation). It depends on current knowledge and cognitive processing. The primary purpose of intelligence is to improve a person's alteration towards the physical and social environment that defines the flexibility and stability of human beings to adjust their condition. The main factors for intelligence operational structure development are reflected in interaction with the circumstances, integration of the operating structure, and objectification of cognition images (genetic approach). Mental mechanisms of intelligence development are characteristics of a person as motivation, operative values, goalsetting, and emotional activity (procedural-pro-activity approach). Intelligence develops through mastering various forms of intellectual behavior in situations of the interaction of the individual with the environment. Intelligence is the "basic behavioral repertoire" of personality. (educational approach).
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