
  • I. I. Dorozhko
  • O. Ye. Malykhina
  • S. Ye. Abanshyna



education, student, value-meaning sphere, structural components, program of psychological support


Modern society in which take place information-technical, technological, media-communicative revolutions leads to cardinal changes of society and forming new scientific and educational world picture, where knowledge become preferential value, which requires appropriate style of thinking, implies the appearance of a new level of literacy, technological literacy, changes forms of management decision making, review the content and methods of education provision, correlates the system of upbringing. All this determine psychological-pedagogical, philosophical comprehension of the meaning of modern education, constant work on means of organizing the educational process, knowledge transfer methods, technologies for the construction of educational programs and practices. Today the education system in Ukraine is at the stage of quality reform. First of all changes relate to the content of education, its focus, general paradigm. Education reacts the most to changes taking place in the world. Value-meaning sphere of personality acts as an important criterion in determining his attitude to generally accepted values. Modern uncertain reality produces challenges that will affect the development of Ukrainian society in the future. Clearly outlined necessity of forming new value orientations, value worldview of the individual. Presented research devoted to the study of structural components of value-meaning sphere of modern students youth. Taking into account results of ascertainment stage of the research was developed program of psychological support for the development of students value-meaning sphere. The methodological basis is the methods of psychological influence, which are based on active methods of group work using a specific form of knowledge presentation. Program of psychological support consist with three stages – motivational, developmental and reflective, each of other consist with a few stages which include series of group classes. The main goal of a program in actualization and optimization of formation value-meaning sphere of students. So, value-meaning sphere of students who are officially married differs more meaningfulness of life and existential fullness comparing with students as not official married and without marriage at all.


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How to Cite

Дорожко, І. І., Малихіна, О. Є., & Абаньшина, С. Є. (2023). STUDY OF THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF VALUE-SEMANTIC SPHERE OF PERSONALITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 103-108.